In the newest installment of Better Trucks’ fireside chat series, “Better Yet,” guest host, Dan Ptak, chatted with Better Trucks CEO and Co-Founder, Andy Whiting, and Enveyo’s CEO and Co-Founder, Coby Nilsson, to discuss the chaos in the shipping industry and how it can be used to find new opportunities.
They discussed several topics including:
▶ Challenges presented in the industry over the past year.
▶ The shipping industry’s solutions gap.
▶ The importance of data in moving forward.
▶ Tech challenges in shipping.
▶ The role of organizational culture in tech adoption.
▶ Sticking points that have led to lack of tech adoption.
▶ Addressing the potential for changes during peak.
Coby Nilsson: “There’s always opportunity in the midst of chaos.”
Andy Whiting: “Let us start with either a hard problem or something that you’re really having a challenge with to solve, demonstrate value, and then grow the account organically.”
Chaos breeds opportunities for companies bold enough to seek them out. The past few years of chaos have led to the development of new solutions, new attitudes, and countless opportunities for improvement in the supply chain.